Google's Follower Count in Search: The Impact on Business SEO

In our latest analysis, we delve into the significant implications of Google’s recent update—showing follower counts in search results. This shift not only alters how businesses approach their SEO strategy but also emphasises the importance of follower visibility in search. Understanding these Google algorithm changes is crucial for businesses aiming to maintain a competitive edge in the digital space. 

An illustration depicting three individuals interacting with abstract representations of analytics and SEO. One person is standing, gazing thoughtfully at a large computer monitor displaying growth charts and a magnifying glass focusing on a gear symbol, symbolising search optimisation. Another person is seated, leaning towards one of the gears on the ground, indicating their involvement in the process. The third person is standing with a hand on their chin, contemplating the gears floating around, which suggests strategic thinking. The background features stylised clouds, signifying cloud computing or online data processing

Table of Contents

Google is back at it again and has now introduced follower count into SERPs (search engine results pages), but what does this mean for businesses and SEO marketers in terms of their Business SEO Strategy? It’s clear that social media has been a key topic in the SEO sphere in the past year, with its presence not necessarily being a ranking factor for Google, but can help support SEO efforts. This recent Google Search Update is just another way in which social media can support organic traffic, and we’ll explore how.

Does Follower Count Affect Google Ranking?

The short answer is no. Danny Sullivan, Google’s Search Liaison, confirmed on X that follower count is not used as a search ranking factor by Google Search by simply stating “it is not” when asked if it is taken into account based on rankings. However, that doesn’t mean it can be dismissed.

While follower count has been seen over the years as a vanity metric, it doesn’t mean that customers don’t acknowledge this as a key purchasing factor. For example, if you saw two businesses in the same industry on SERPS, one with a high follower count and good engagement, and one with low following and no engagement, which one are you more likely to click through to? We already know that CTR% and engagement can affect Google rankings, so there is the argument that this new feature could affect SEO indirectly even though it’s not a direct ranking factor. Follower Visibility in Search is thus a crucial aspect to consider.

Follower counts are also a good indication of your brand awareness and help to drive a wider reach. Of course, there is the aspect of having non-active followers which argues this point, but if a brand has a strong engagement rate and a good following, odds are their follower count is of relevance.

How Will Followers Shown On SERPS Affect SEO?

As well as the points above, this new feature also demonstrates the impact of creating engaging content across a multitude of channels to engage your audiences. Google’s E-E-A-T update, originally rolled out at the end of 2022, emphasises the importance of creating relevant and quality content that engages with your audiences. By doing this on social media as well as through on-page SEO you are ultimately creating a wider community which can help your overall marketing efforts. However, we do want to emphasise again that follower count is not a direct ranking factor at the time of writing this post.

The bottom line is that the days of writing content solely for ranking first on Google pages are gone. By doing this, you are pigeonholing your content too much and writing for the algorithm rather than the audience. This is ultimately the kind of content that Google is rewarding less, so analyse your audience, who they are, and what they want to see and build content around this. Once again, not just via Google but other channels too.

Google Follower Count Impact: FAQs

Google has introduced a feature that displays the follower count of businesses or individuals in search engine results pages (SERPs). This update aims to provide additional context about the popularity and reach of the entities appearing in search results.

While follower count itself is not a direct ranking factor in Google’s algorithm, it can influence user perception and click-through rates (CTRs). Businesses may need to adjust their SEO strategy to account for this, focusing more on building a strong, engaged social media presence.

Directly, no. Google has clarified that follower count is not a ranking factor. However, a higher follower count, especially with good engagement, can indirectly influence SEO through increased brand awareness and potentially higher CTR from search results.

Follower visibility in search results serves as a form of social proof, indicating the popularity and credibility of a business or brand. It can influence user decisions and perceptions, potentially impacting the effectiveness of your online marketing efforts.

Businesses should focus on creating quality, engaging content across their digital platforms, including social media. While enhancing follower count is beneficial, it’s equally important to engage and grow your audience organically for long-term SEO success.

Yes, if it diverts attention from other critical SEO elements. A balanced approach that includes content quality, user engagement, and technical SEO, alongside growing your social media presence, is essential for a holistic SEO strategy.

By adding these FAQs, your blog post will not only be more informative but also more engaging, addressing common queries that readers might have about this new development in Google’s search functionality.

The Round-Up

Now we’re not suggesting you go out and spend a ton of money on follower-objective ads via social media platforms to boost your following and have a greater number on SERPS. After all, you are not being ranked based on the number of followers your social media platforms have. Ultimately, this means very little if the following isn’t of relevance and would never convert. 

It can be easy to get caught up in the shifts of algorithms, especially knowing that your follower count across all platforms would potentially be seen and compared against your competitors. However, as discussed, the key is the creation of engaging content across all channels. By creating content that your audience resonates with, you will reap the rewards of engagement and audience growth, thus getting that follower count up organically.

Based on Google’s shift towards engaging content and their E-E-A-T ranking criteria, it is key to create quality content rather than change your strategy and create content for the algorithm. Stay tuned to our blog for all of the latest Google Algorithm Changes.


Picture of Rebecca Wheble
Rebecca Wheble
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